Results 51 - 54 of 54
Activities Guidance
Activities Guidance Plymouth Sound & Estuaries MPA, is a fantastic place to take part in lots of activities, from meeting friends for coffee, coastal walks, swimming and fishing to diving, snorkelling, sailing and paddlesports. Its beautiful landscapes …
Development around the MPA Development within, next to or close to the water will likely need to be assessed for potential environmental impacts. This can often be complex due to the different regulatory processes required by different authorities. This …
Protected Areas
Protected Areas Photo credit Kate Duncan Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are areas of the seas or estuaries which are protected from human activities that could cause disturbance or damage to the habitats or the plants and animals that can be found there; …
The Team
The Team Photo Credit: Rob Price We are a small team that coordinates the management of the MPA through Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum (TECF) but we work with TECF members who all play an important role in the management of the site. Amelia Sturgeon …