Marine management is complex as there is no one organisation responsible for managing the Marine Protected Area (MPA). The site is managed by many different organisations some of which are legally bound to manage certain aspects. To make this job simpler, the organisations within the MPA work together in partnership, the governance of which is outline in this page.

The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum

The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum (TECF) is the management partnership for the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries. It brings together organisations with a legal responsibility to manage the MPA.
Find out more about the partnership and it's members under TECF.
TECF Advisory Groups
Port of Plymouth Marine Liaison Committee
Port of Plymouth Marine Liaison Committee (PPMLC) is the water user group for the Plymouth Sound and Tamar Estuaries. The aim of PPMLC is to ensure on-going social, economic and environmental benefits through the promotion of sustainable use, development and management of the important common asset.
PPMLC is chaired by the Kings Harbour Master (KHM) and includes representatives of the various recreational user groups, commercial business owners, local stakeholders and interest groups. PPMLC meets three times a year and acts as an advisory body to TECF and is an integral element in the MPA management process.
PPMLC includes representatives from the following groups:
– Crime abatement
– Education & awareness
– Fisheries
– Fundus (seabed) owners
– Landscape conservation
– Marine commerce
– Maritime archaeology
– Moorings
– Nature conservation
– Navigation & rescue
– Public health
– Recreation & tourism
– Research
– Town & Parish Councils
PPMLC Terms of Reference are found in Resources.
Wembury Voluntary Marine Conservation Area Advisory Group (WMCAAG)
The WMCAAG established the voluntary MCA in 1981, in recognition of its special biodiversity and unique and long-standing role in the study and appreciation of marine life.
The group made up of local people and representatives from organisations with an interest in the management of the Wembury Voluntary MCA. The group works closely with the Wembury Marine Centre.
WAG’s objectives are to promote:
- The conservation and study of the Wembury Marine Conservation Area, and,
- The education of the public, school children and students in the principles of marine conservation by the use of various interpretive media.
More information about Wembury can can be found in Resources.
The Yealm Estuary Management Group
Working alongside TECF, the Yealm Estuary Management Group (YEMG) manages the Yealm as part of the South Devon Estuaries Partnership, hosted by the South Devon National Landscape.
Although the Yealm Estuary sits within the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries MPA and within the Tamar Water Catchment it has a separate governance arrangement due to the estuary having different issues to the rest of the MPA.

Marine Recreation Steering Group

The Marine Recreation Steering Group is made up of Plymouth City Council, South Hams District Council, West Devon Borough Council and Cornwall Council and Natural England. The Group guides the work of the Marine Recreation Mitigation and Enhancement Scheme (MRMMS) which provides strategic management of recreation impacts across the MPA.
The group meets three times a year and is hosted by Plymouth City Council who also employs a dedicated officer to deliver the Scheme. The group is supported by the TECF coordinator and YEMG Officer.
More information about the Scheme is found under Marine Recreation Impacts.
The Plymouth Sound National Marine Park CIO
In 2019, Plymouth City Council and partners declared the intention for a Plymouth Sound National Marine Park (PSNMP), this is now a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). Plymouth City Council has worked with partners to secure funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to support the development and delivery of the National Marine Park for the following 5 years. Beyond this, the CIO will continue to support the delivery of the PSNMP. The direction of the park will be led by the CIO board. The PSNMP is not a legal designation but does help to deliver projects which support the protection and enhancement of the MPA.