Footpaths & Cycleways

Increased human activity near the waters edge can disturb over-wintering birds and can cause damage to fragile habitats through trampling.

In order to avoid these impacts, construction of footpaths and cycleways should have regard for the following measures to reduce the associated impacts.



If a large amount of sediment is disturbed through the construction of footpaths and cycleways, this may have an impact on smothering of species in close proximity to the access routes.

Suggested measures to reduce impact(s)

Construction of pathways should be limited to the minimal extent needed to fulfil adequate width and length of footpaths and cycleways.


The probable disturbance of sediments may release levels of contaminated sediments into the estuary.

Suggested measures to reduce impact(s)

Construction of pathways are to be limited to the minimal extent needed to fulfil adequate width and length of footpaths and cycleways, minimising the amount of contaminated sediments released into the water course.


Some loss of fragile habitats directly occurring from the development of footpaths and cycleways themselves. There is potential for the impact to continue due to trampling by an increased number of people using the areas.

Suggested measures to reduce impact(s)

Avoid increased access to fragile habitats such as saltmarshes and reedbeds.


Temporary disturbance to birds during construction, if the development is situated close to important bird areas (such as feeding areas or roost sites).

Increased levels of disturbance to birds during use of the footpath and cycleway will occur if the development is situated close to these important bird areas.

Suggested measures to reduce impact(s)

• If development is near bird feeding areas, undertake construction outside bird over-wintering period.
• Consider constructing screening in sensitive areas to minimise disturbance to bird feeding or roosting area.


Potential impact of increase sediment movement around the parameters of the estuary, with some level of this sediment leaching into the estuarine waters, changing the hydrology.

Suggested measures to reduce impact(s)

• Avoid increased access to fragile habitats such as saltmarshes and reedbeds.
• Encourage users to remain on the pathway/cycleway designated on route, to avoid temptation of using alternative unmarked access routes.